Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means it is time to be thankful and enjoy our loved ones. It also means eating good food, but being careful not to overindulge. “All foods can be included during the Thanksgiving celebration with proper planning,” Jacquie Daughtry, RD, LDN said. “Make smart choices, practice portion control, and do not skip meals.”


Photo via Satya Murthy, Flickr

When Thanksgiving comes around, we have a tendency to overindulge in food that surrounds us at the table. “Knowing what your needs are is important, so that you can adjust your selections as needed to maintain balance and avoid weight gain,” Jacquie said.

Follow these tips in order to keep yourself from overindulging this Thanksgiving:

Rethink your drink. Choose beverages wisely due to additional calories and try drinking water with meals.
Scan and plan. Look at everything served then make selections.
Continue following appropriate portion sizes. The holidays do not mean vacation from healthy eating and moderation.
Eat a variety of food. Indulge in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low fat/fat free dairy.
Do not slack off. You still want to maintain healthy goals and physical activity during the holidays.
Make healthier substitutions to your favorite foods. Substitute ice cream with frozen yogurt or low fat Greek yogurt. Substitute alcoholic beverages with club soda.

Check out resources for general nutrition, heart healthy recipes, and diabetic recipes here, here, and here.