Monthly Archives: February 2019

“Miracles will continue to be real:” Regional One Health Foundation Annual Report highlights donors’ positive impact

Everyone in our community deserves access to lifesaving medical care, and it is the Regional One Health Foundation’s mission to work with generous donors to pursue that goal. The Foundation advances healthcare excellence through philanthropy, with donations going to help Regional One Health access technology, training and resources to protect and enhance the health [...]

2019-02-18T08:23:28-06:00February 11th, 2019|

Regional One Health’s Ayotunde Dokun, MD joins national commission to improve care for diabetes-related diseases

Regional One Health Chief of Endocrine Service Ayotunde Dokun, MD, PhD, FACE, has been appointed to serve on a national commission on diabetes-related diseases, a reflection of the high-level work Regional One Health doctors are doing every day on behalf of the medical field. Regional One Health Chief of Endocrine Service Ayotunde Dokun, [...]

2019-01-31T14:39:19-06:00February 8th, 2019|

When Kayla Griggs had life-threatening complications from a C-section, Dr. Roberto Levi’s expertise and compassion made the difference

With three boys under age 5, Kayla and Devin Griggs have plenty of things they expect to worry about: skinned knees, saving for college, wondering if they’ll ever get a minute of quiet. They never expected to add a life-and-death health crisis to that list, but after a frightening experience, they’re thanking Regional One [...]

2019-02-01T09:07:58-06:00February 1st, 2019|
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