Regional One Health is seeking input from Shelby County residents age 18 and over to help us better serve our community’s health care needs.

Regional One Health encourages Shelby County residents to participate in a survey that will identify community health care needs.
Every three years, Regional One Health completes a comprehensive community health needs assessment (CHNA) to evaluate the health needs of individuals living in Shelby County.
Our goal is to gain a better understanding about the health issues and needs of the community so we can align our efforts with the community’s greatest needs.
This year, Regional One Health is partnering with other area hospitals and the Shelby County Health Department for a more comprehensive and inclusive assessment.
Your input is vital, so if you live in Shelby County, please help by completing a 20-25 minute survey.
The survey is open to individuals age 18 and older and is available in English, Spanish and Arabic. To access the survey, simply use the following links:
- English:
- Spanish:
- Arabic:
All information gathered in the survey is kept anonymous and confidential.
Remember, your input will help us understand and meet the health needs of this community. By completing this survey, you will help to make Shelby County a healthier place to live, work and play.
Thank you for your input as we seek to better serve our community’s health needs.