Endometriosis occurs when tissue lining the uterus grows on other nearby organs or structures. The displaced tissue continues to function as it would within the uterus. It becomes thinker and sheds with each cycle; however, there is no way for it to exit the body.

Endometriosis can affect the ovaries, fallopian tubes, tissues that hold the uterus in place, bowels and bladder. Most, but not all women with endometriosis, experience pelvic pain.


  • Dysmenorrhea – pelvic pain and cramping during menstrual cycle
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Bleeding between cycles
  • Pain during and after intercourse
  • Pain with urination and bowel movements
  • Bloating, constipation or nausea


A pelvic exam or ultrasound is an option but the best way to diagnose endometriosis is through laparoscopy (minimally invasive surgery.) Adhesions caused by endometriosis are also removed with the procedure.

Medical Therapy

Conservative Surgery – is normally performed as a laparoscopic procedure.  The physician removes adhesions (scar tissue) caused by endometriosis. The growth of endometriosis can distort the reproductive structures, like the fallopian tube, making it difficult for fertilization to occur. Removing the scar tissue will improve the functions of the reproductive organs.

Hormone Therapy – The patient may take fertility medication in order to induce ovulation for assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, like in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Please call 901-515-3100 to reach our office or make an appointment.

Regional One Health Reproductive Medicine | 6555 Quince Road, 5th Floor | Memphis, TN 38119