Uterine malformations occur during embryonic development in which the Müllerian ducts do not fuse together properly. The fusion of the Müllerian ducts should result in the formation of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and upper portion of the vagina. Malformation of the ducts can have varying results. Types of Malformations:

Müllerian agenesis

The uterus is absent

Unicornuate uterus

Only half of the uterus forms; one fallopian tube is present

Uterus didelphys

There are two uterine cavities and two cervixes

Bicornuate uterus

The upper chamber of the uterus does not fuse properly leaving an indentation at the top of the uterus, giving it a heart shape.

Septated uterus

This is the most common uterine malformation. A septum made of fibrous tissue partially or completely separates the uterus into two. It is a result of the Müllerian ducts combining but the septum created remains. The newly formed uterus should reabsorb the tissue after the two ducts have fused together. The physician performs hysteroscopy to remove the septum.

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Regional One Health Reproductive Medicine | 6555 Quince Road, 5th Floor | Memphis, TN 38119