The John K. and Katherine Johnson Auxiliary

The Johnson Auxiliary has a more than 40-year history of serving the patients and families of Regional One Health. After a tour of the then John Gaston Memorial Hospital-City of Memphis Hospital Complex in November 1972, the Auxiliary was established by local Presbyterian women in April 1973 in response to needs observed at the hospital. The Auxiliary is named for the late Reverend Dr. John K. Johnson and his late wife, Katherine. Reverend Johnson was an Associate Pastor at Idlewild Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Chaplain for the UT Medical Units that included the City of Memphis Hospital Complex/John Gaston Memorial Hospital. He and his wife, Katherine, were supportive of the need for a hospital auxiliary to the City of Memphis Hospital and their memorials were used to start the Auxiliary. Membership and volunteer opportunities with the Auxiliary are open to any adult, ages 18 and over, regardless of their race, sex, or creed and a high school graduate.

The Auxiliary’s purpose is to:

  • minister to the needs of the patients,
  • to assist the staff of Regional One Health,
  • to promote the health and welfare of the community within the objectives of the institution, and
  • To provide a bond of understanding and service for people of all races and creeds.

Gift Shop

At the time the Auxiliary was celebrating its tenth anniversary, the hospital approached the Auxiliary about opening and managing a Gift Shop. The Auxiliary agreed to take this project on, and in November 1983, a Gift Shop was opened as a further service to the hospital and its patients. Profits from the Gift Shop are donated each April to the Regional One Health Foundation for the purchase of needed medical equipment and to support certain educational and other initiatives of the hospital. More than $462,000 has been donated to the Foundation from Gift Shop revenues.

In addition to the Gift Shop, service areas within the Auxiliary include a clothes closet to assist patients and their immediate families who may be in need of emergency clothing during their stay or upon discharge from the hospital, distribution of comfort care items, magazines and books to patients and their families, and blood pressure screenings. The Auxiliary also has a Last Resort Fund to assist patients if assistance from other sources of assistance is not available.

While the Auxiliary is primarily funded through Gift Shop proceeds, it also receives donations (financial and in-kind) from local churches and other organizations, individuals and through Auxiliary-sponsored hospital fundraisers.

Volunteer Qualifications, Opportunities and Commitment

If you are at least 18 years of age (non-student), a high school graduate and want to be of service to others, the Johnson Auxiliary can use your time and talents! Volunteers who will be performing blood pressure screenings must be an active, inactive, or retired Registered Nurse.

As with all volunteer opportunities at Regional One Health, after all application materials are completed and submitted, each applicant must pass a background check, complete tuberculosis screening and immunization review, and attend a Volunteer Orientation given by the hospital and the Auxiliary.

Volunteer Shift: Minimum of 4 hours per shift with at least 8 hours a month.
To learn more about our open volunteer opportunities, click here.

More Information

If you are interested in volunteering with the Johnson Auxiliary or are seeking information regarding donation needs, please contact Barbara Bowling at 901-545-7244 or